Thursday, March 27, 2008

Kosher Boxed Drinks become a Luxury in Montreal

For many years children and adults alike were treated to a wide variety of boxed drinks with various flavors under various brand names produced by A. Lassonde & Co. Brands such as Rougemont, Oasis, Fruite, and Allens, as well as many others, were staple drinks used by kids going to school, as part of their daily lunch program. Unfortunately, this has now all changed. With immediate effect, all of these juices will no longer bear MK Kosher certification due to changes in production procedures at this company.

Consumers who have purchased these products with the MK mark can rest assured that these have all been produced under MK certification, however any product not bearing the MK mark on its packaging should not be purchased.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Excitement as Montrealer is Freed

Saul Itzhayek the Montreal business man who has been sitting in an Indian jail for over ten months will be freed tomorrow, according to Indian authorities. Mr. Itzhayek found himself in jail due to claims made by the Indian authorities of visa irregularities, which were unfounded. The Montreal community has greeted this news with great excitement. The Itzhayek family will surely be in a state of great Simcha as Saul arrives in Montreal. Much effort was made to have Saul Itzhayek freed by Mr. Irwin Cotler, as well as Rabbi Whitman in conjunction with other members of the Rabbinical council of Montreal. All of their efforts are truly appreciated, and everyone is rejoicing today at this great news.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Don't Get Caught Talking!

On the first of April 2008, Quebec will join many other cities in North America that ban the use of using a hand held cell phone while driving. Any driver caught using a hand held cell phone will be slapped with a $100 fine, similar to a person being caught without a seat belt. Hand free devices are legal and will not pose any problem whatsoever. The amount of accidents that have occurred whilst people were speaking on hand held devices have resulted on this ban coming about. Although this does not solve all accidents as speaking on a hands free device still distracts a driver, accidents may still occur. Let's hope this reduces the risks substantially.

Voice of the Vaad Hits Market in a few Days

The well known Voice of the Vaad Pesach magazine distributed by the Jewish community council of Montreal each and every Pesach will be available on the market in the next few days. This year, being that Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos, a whole section of this booklet deals with a step by step preparation to be carried out. With a comprehensive guide to Koshering, checking for chometz, set up of the seder, a Sefiras Haomer chart, and a cosmetic guide, as well as much more pertinent information, this voice of the Vaad issue is a step by step handbook for anyone preparing and celebrating Pesach this year. It is a must for any Jewish household. The Voice of the Vaad will be available at outlets, schools, synagogues, and through the Vaad offices as well. This is the only book of its kind and is also published together in French and Hebrew giving all consumers the opportunity of celebrating Pesach according to the letter of the Law.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Bracing with Laughter

In a recent edition of the VAAD News and Views, the popular sought after monthly newsletter of the VAAD, a humorous article was written pertaining to Kosher certification being given to braces.
For those who did not read up until the end of the article, they may have been unaware that this article was written in the true Purim spirit (without any drink - of course), and was only a joke. In regards to the various calls received, the braces do not need to be kosherized, and the MK insignia will not appear on each individual brace.

Metal does not require a Hechsher and of course we were just kidding. Keep on smiling while the Kosher braces shine!

Council 2008

At a meeting which took place at the 0ffices of the VAAD HA'IR last week, approximately sixteen members of the new council attended, as they were inducted into their new positions. The council of the VAAD consists of representatives of every community who have bee chosen by the various communities to represent them in all issues. Meetings take place on a regular bases and areas of concern to the Jewish Community are raised.

Just recently a committee was established under the leadership of Mr. Nathan Elberg, pertaining to the services the Jewish General Hospital and the awareness of the community as to the services being offered there. Mr. Nathan Elberg and his team prepared a detailed document as to their recommendations which will shortly be followed up upon with the leaders of the hospital. Once this will be finalized, this will be available to the public for their review.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Drink with Caution this Purim

As is the case each and every year when Purim comes, although it is a Mitzvah to drink and be happy there is a limit as to how far one has to go when carrying out this Mitzvah. In recent years there have been numerous tragic accidents due to people driving under the influence as well as school children and Yeshiva boys over indulging thereby causing themselves medical harm. One can certainly have joy and enjoy the Simcha of Purim by having an additional LeChaim, but everything has its limits and it is our responsibility to act as true Torah Jews at all times, and not to act in a way which is unbecoming according to our Torah.

We are urging all Parents, Rabbi's, Educators, and Communal Leaders, to ensure that this Purim turns out to be a joyous one in the true sense of the word. Serving drinks to school children is irresponsible and not in the spirit of this beautiful YomTov. As it states in the Megillah, "And Mordechai left the King with clothes of Royalty", the way we act and the way we conduct ourselves is our dress code and is what the people out there see. This Purim whilst carrying out the Mitzvah, think twice about the importance of the Mitvah and the correct way to carry it out, thereby creating a sanctification of Hashem's name whilst ensuring that we are responsible for our actions.

Monday, March 10, 2008

MK Scoops Slush Puppie!

In another major announcement, the VAAD Hair of Montreal has commenced certifying Slush Puppie in Canada which has resulted in an overwhelming response from the members of the public who will now be able to treat themselves and their children at over seven thousand different locations.

Travelling hours accross the Canadian region will be all the more easier when knowing that you are able to stop at many different locations to pick up that favorite flavor of Slush Puppie which you have always craved for.

Storing Slush Puppie machines are obligated in terms of their contract to only use Slush Puppie flavors in this machine, dedicated totally to Slush Puppie. Any company not adhering to this policy and found to be in contravention of this agreement, automatically loses its right to selling Slush Puppie at that location, and are even subject to legal action.

With MK inspectors now dropping in at some locations to check that it is only Slush Puppie being sold, the public is assured that tight controls are in place, and your favorite flavor is only a few minutes away!

Canada - especially Montreal, has so much slush. Do we not deserve the enjoyment of a Slush Puppie?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Eight Dead Many Wounded in Merkaz HaRav Massacre

The entire Jewish world wakes up this morning Rosh Chodesh Adar Beis 5768 in mourning, as eight Yeshiva Students from the world renowned Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva, situated in Kiryat Moshe, are laid to rest.

On Thursday evening 8:30 p.m. Israel time, as students from the Yeshiva were gathering to celebrate Rosh Chodesh Adar, the most exciting time of the Jewish calendar, a lone Palestinian gunman opened fire killing eight instantly and wounding many others, some critically. It was only a few minutes later after 600 bullets had been fired and after ten minutes of mayhem, that an Israeli off duty police officer shot and killed the terrorist.

As Gemaras and other Sefarim lay blood stained with bullet holes, members of Zaka moved in to clean up the carnage and ensure that the proper respect were given to those who died in this abominable act.

Although it was first thought that a second terrorist was also in the building, security forces later determined this was not the case.

As was mentioned by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, all of us have lost eight brothers in one day. Members of the community are asked to daven for the recovery of those who remain hospitalized, Naftali Ben Gila, Yonatan Ben Avital, Shimon Ben Tirtza, Nadav Ben Hadas, Reuven Ben Naomi, and Elchanan Ben Zehava.

Although it’s a time of Simcha as we herald in the month of Adar, our hearts are filled with pain at this despicable act. We stand in solidarity with those families broken by the tragedy and support them in their time of sorrow. May the memory of those who were snatched at the prime of their lives, Doron Mehereta, 26, of Ashdod, Ro'i Rote, 18, of Elkanah in Samaria (Shomron), Yonadav Haim Hirschfeld, 19, of Kokhav HaShachar (Shomron), Yochai Lipshitz, 18, of the Old City of Jerusalem, Yonatan Yitzchak Eldar, 16, of Shilo (Shomron), Neriah Cohen, 15, of Jerusalem, Segev Pniel Avichayil, 15, of N'vei Daniel in Gush Etzion, Avraham David Moses, 16, of Efrat, Gush Etzion, remain with us forever.

May Hashem comfort the families amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

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