Wednesday, April 16, 2008

People Flock to Kosherize their Keilim (Utensils) at Annual Vaad Kashering

As the doors opened at 2:00 p.m. in the tent where Kosherization takes place at the Vaad Ha'ir each year, lines of people waited to have their items Kosherized under the supervision of members of the Vaad Harabbonim who ensured that these items were suitable for Kosherization. Simultaneously, the Vaad's Kashrus hotline was clogged with people calling constantly regarding Pesach products and Pesach questions. The Kosherization closed at 8:00 p.m.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Kollel Torah Mitzion Hosts Rabbi Weiss for Pesach Lecture

Kollel Torah Mitzion hosted an evening of learning at its center situated in Hebrew Academy in Cote St Luc. At this night of learning, Rabbi Lisner gave a detailed shiur about the fundamentals of not eating chametz over the Pesach period. Quoting various sources, Rav Lisner interested the audience with various points of information emanating from the Talmud and Halacha and quotes various opinions about what is considered to be the minimum amount for someone to have transgressed eating chametz over Pesach.

After Rav Lisner's lecture, he introduced the chief Rabbi of the Beth Din of Montral, Rav Yonason Binyomin Weiss, to address the crowd. During Rabbi Weiss' lecture, in which he discussed various issues pertaining to the Hagadah, he continued to impress upon the audience how important it is for us to create a home which is a safe haven for our children. and homes where shalom bayit (peace in the house) reigns. "There are problems all over the world", said Rabbi Weiss, "And the world is grappling with many different issues, similar to those of the Jewish Community, including the problem of internet." Rabbi Weiss said one can even find sites on methods of suicide. "Although internet can be used as a positive tool, one does not give a tool which is dangerous to a child to play with." As the audience excitedly listened to the Rav, Rabbi Weiss ended his speech stating that the Navi promised that many threats will occur throughout history to our nation, and we have experienced both physical threats, in the sense of pogroms, murders, and most of all the holocaust. There was also a spiritual threat, such as the Spanish Inquisition. "We have been promised", said Rabbi Weiss, "That these threats will not be successful and no matter how large the challenge, our nation of Israel, will always rise up and succeed." And with that he wished the community a spiritually uplifting Pesach holiday, and look forward to the day where we will be greeted to the coming of Mashiach.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rabbi Weiss Chief Rabbi of Beth Din of Montreal visits Hebrew Academy

Earlier on today, Rav Weiss, the Chief Rabbi of the Beth Din of Montreal visited Hebrew Academy and was taken on a guided tour of the campus by the principle Rabbi Baruch Purton. During his visit, Rabbi Weiss addressed the student body from both the elementary and high school. In introducing Rav Weiss, Rabbi Purton mentioned that there are various communities in Montreal with their individual Rabbi's servicing their individual communities. Rabbi Weiss, said Rabbi Purton, is Montreal's Rabbi servicing all communities and has made himself available for each and every of the 100,000 strong Jewish Community of Montreal.

Rabbi Weiss in speaking to both elementary and high school mentioned that Pesach is a time where children are given the opportunity of asking questions. So too, said Rabbi Weiss, students should not be embarrassed or shy to question anything throughout the year regarding any topic in Judaism, and they should seek out the truth of what is behind each and every mitzvah.

The excitement that exuberated in the school during Rabbi Weiss' visit could be felt by all those attending. After the speeches students had opportunities to privately question Rabbi Weiss and receive his blessings for the future.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Community in Uproar over Child Abuser Fleeing to Canada

In recent days it has been reported that a man by the name Elior Hen, has fled Israel after was revealed that he had been involved in 'gruesome systematic abuse of children'. Claims have surfaced that he may have arrived in Canada and the community is asked to be on the lookout for this individual and to ensure that he surrenders himself to the authorities.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rabbi Aryeh Posen Inducted to Beth Din of Montreal and Vaad HaRabonim of Montreal

In a small private ceremony which took place Monday night the 31st of March in the offices of the Jewish Community Council of Montreal, Rabbi Aryeh Posen the veteran Dayan of Kollel Kesser Torah was inducted to the Beth Din of Montreal and Vaad HaRabonim of Montreal.

Rabbi Posen comes with years of experience and is well known to the entire community of Montreal. Sought after by members of the entire community who may have questions in regards to Halacha and life's advice, Rabbi Posen, who'se father was a Dayan in the Washington Heights Breuer's community, is well respected throughout the city.

In accepting the position, Rabbi Posen mentioned he was excited to be involved in communal affairs and to be able to be part and parcel of Halachic decision making in Montreal.