Friday, May 30, 2008

Shas Completed as Dirshu Montreal Celebrates!

Dirshu (meaning seek out or explain), the International Organization run by world renowned Philanthrapist and Asken, Reb Dovid Hofstadter, celebrated their completion of Shas, the entire Talmud, on Tuesday night for the first time in Montreal. Members of the community who spend nights learning various tractates with their partners and taking tests on a weekly or monthly basis gathered at this landmark event celebrated at the Don Berman Teacher Seminary of the Bais Yaakov. Members of the kollel paid tribute to their families for giving them the opportunity to further their studies, and a special tribute to Dovid Hofstadter for making learning of Torah all over the world exciting and rewarding.
Dovid Hofstadter was presented with a plaque for his selfless dedication and a new round of Talmud Learning has already commenced. The Montreal branch of Dirshu is run so efficiently by three well known dedicated individuals, Rabbi Boruch Abramowitz, Rabbi Shimon Moskowitz and Rabbi Yossi Abramchik, who spend nights ensuring those in the Kollel are taken care of.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fertility Clinic for Jewish community opens at the Royal Victoria

Thursday, the 15th of May, will be a day to be remembered in the history of the Montreal Jewish Community. The Royal Victoria fertility clinic has commenced operating a clinic which will serve the needs of those in the Jewish community who require their services. Special trained personnel in the community have been spending the last few months, training in the laboratory in the Royal Victoria, and have become familiar with the Halachic requirements required to operate in such a facility.

At a small ceremony with Doctors, and lab technicians in attendance, Dr. Holzer thanked all those involved in this operation. The head of the department, Dr. Tan as well as Dr. Nicky Dean, who is the chief embryologist were present. Dr. Tan gave moving words of thanks to Dr. Holzer and his entire team and thanked him for the harmonious way in which they work together in order to achieve their goals with the patients.

Thanks to a donation from the Donald Berman Foundation and the kind courtesy extended by Mr. David Muller, who attended the event, this clinic is able to get off the ground.

The Halachic procedures of this project will be controlled and governed by the Chief Rabbi of Montreal, Rabbi Yonason Binyamin Weiss, an expert in all areas of medicine, including fertility, and who all the doctors praised for his input and Halachic guidance throughout the entire process.

As put by Dr. Holzer at the beginning of the event, the motto of the clinic in the Royal Victoria is, ‘Let’s be fruitful and multiply.’

Rabbi Saul Emanuel mentioned in his words of thanks to all those involved, that it is our hope that through the fruits of all of the efforts of this clinic, they will be successful in assisting those in need.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Skverer Rebbe to visit Montreal

The Skverer Rebbe with an entourage of Chassidim, will be visiting and gracing the Montreal Community with his presence for a week commencing Thursday May 7th. The Skverer community has long existed in Montreqal and is headed up by the world renown Dayan Rabbi Yochanan Wosner. During this visit the Skverer Rebbe will appear at at a communal event in Hebrew Academy on Thursday the 8th of May. Over Shabbos, hundreds of Chassidim are expected to travel in from NY to share the celebrations with the Skverer Rebbe.

Rabbi Weiss Visits Academy Taryag - Arizal School

Fresh after a visit carried out at Hebrew Academy School. where Rabbi Weiss spoke to the student body, the Academy Taryag School, had the honor of hosting the chief Rabbi of the Beth Din during a short visit at their school situated on Bourret in Montreal, on Monday May the 5th.

During the visit Rabbi Weiss spoke to the children of the Taryag Academy and explained to them the importance of this period of the year - Sefirat Haomer, in which the 24,000 students of the great sage, Rabbi Akiva, died. Explaining the importance of the concept of Viahavta Lirayacha Kamocha, loving your friend as you love yourself, Rabbi Weiss encouraged the children to concentrate on their relationships between each other. Rabbi Weiss added that the children are the foundation for future generations and what they learn and study now will be a basis in the building of the next generation.