Monday, June 16, 2008

Community Gives Back to Zsivo's Shul

Honoring the Veteran Dayan, RAbbi Yechial Meir HaKohen Katz, the well known Rav who has dedicated himself to everyone in the communtiy and who forms a pivotal leadership role with Tomchei Shabbos, hundreds of people came out to celebrate the donation of a Sefer Torah to his Shul situated on Wilderton corner Barclay, in Outremont.

As roads were closed off through the kind cooperation of the local police force, torches of fire held by young children led the procession of live music and dancing as everyone participated in

this unique opportunity, of watching a Sefer Torah being inducted into a Shul. Leaving the house of the well known Mr. Joseph Weil, who has been in the forefront of communal work in Montreal, the procession made its way through the streets until many Torahs from the shul itself were brought out to greet the new Sefer Torah which would join them in the shul's Aron Kadosh, on a permanent basis.

Montreal Crowd Escorting Sefer Torah

*URGENT* Bone Marrow Drive in Montreal

Members of the Community are asked to come out in force to a bone marrow drive taking place this Thursday June 19th from 2:00 - 8:00pm, at the YMWHA on Westbury.

This is in order to try to assist two members of our community, Rabbi Eliezer Wenger, a well known educator and community activist, who has always been available to assist anyone in the Community of Montreal, and Mr. Isaac Rossdeutcher, a well known member of the community.

As it is well known, Saving one life is Saving the world, and the community here has an opportunity to save two worlds. Please take the time to show up and be tested.

Posters and flyers have been posted in different institutions and synagogues in Montreal, please see them for more information.